Campaign Alerts
With this article we aim to educate you on campaign alerts to include:
- Why you should use campaign alerts
- How to set up an alert
- Alerts methods
- Example use cases
Why use campaign alerts
Campaign Alerts are great if you want to be alerted about specific activity against your campaigns. For example, you may want to know if you have not received a lead into your campaign in the last 60 minutes or if you have delivered 80% of your Buyers cap. Alerts are a great feature to notify you about a possible problem.
By default, your account will not have any active alerts so you will need to configure them yourself however it is all very simply. Below is a video showing you how 😉
How to set up an alert
Alerts can be found under Campaigns > Alerts. When creating an alert you need to think about the following:
- What type of alert i.e. No leads received in time period
- The frequency of being alerted
- The email address(s) you want to send the alert to
- If you want to customise the email content that is sent (good reason to do this)
- If you want the alert to be sent as a webhook
- The schedule for monitoring i.e. Monday-Friday, specific hours of every day
Here is an example of setting up an alert to be notified if no leads have been received in the last 2 hours excluding monitoring on a Saturday and Sunday.
Alert methods
You must always enter an email address to receive an alert. You can add multiple email addresses to receive an alert, which we advise if you have multiple users that can take action.
To use this feature you will need to setup a user Webhook first! In doing so, you can then link the webhook to the alert. In the recording below, it shows how to create a user webhook and then link the alert to the webhook.
Custom Content
The email content that is sent can be changed by using the custom output email option. Placeholder tags are used to populate the email with campaign / alert specific data.
Examples of campaign alerts:
Send me an alert IF...
- I have not received any leads in the last 30 minutes
- My leads are being Unsold consecutively to my Buyers
- I have delivered 80% of my budget to my Buyer
- My export schedule has failed
- I have not recorded SMS clicks in the last 60 minutes on my responders
How do the frequencies work?
Every 15 minutes - You will get an alert every 15 minutes when the criteria for the alert is met.
Every 30 minutes - You will get an alert every 30 minutes when the criteria for the alert is met.
Every hour - You will get an alert every hour when the criteria for the alert is met.
Once every 24 hours - You will get an alert when the criteria for the alert is met. The alert will then not fire again for 24 hours.
Once daily - You will get an alert when the criteria for the alert is met. The alert will then not fire until the next calendar day.
As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to raise a support ticket!