Submitting leads into LeadByte


This article aims to give you a basic understanding of how you can submit leads into your LeadByte account.



LeadByte supports 2 methods of lead submission - 

  1. Optimised REST API (FORM/JSON POST)
  2. CSV Import


The REST API utilises a FORM/JSON POST in order to submit leads to LeadByte.

This uses a REST API key and adds leads to a queue to be processed.

This is a more secure and a more optimised option, especially for large volumes


The Import function is for uploading leads in bulk.

As an example - think adding a "do not call" list from your buyer.


Would you like to feed the sold status of a lead back to your supplier? Or use a custom thank you page to detail who a lead has been sold to? Then the REST API is the choice for you! - Live Buyer Responses


Further reading -

We have more details articles about using these features linked below - 

REST API - Submitting Leads via REST API

CSV Import - How to Import to add/update/return leads


As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to raise a support ticket.

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