Update and processing quarantine leads via REST API


This feature will allow you to update lead data for leads held in your quarantine using our REST API.

We also allow the release or rejection of quarantine leads using our REST API in the same request.

A super useful feature if you want to collect "partial" lead data, hold this partial lead in quarantine and then update + release the lead once you have the full lead data!



REST API key settings

For updating the quarantined lead data ensure the "Leads > Update" permission is checked.



For processing (release or reject) quarantined leads ensure the "Quarantine > Process" permission is checked.


To perform both in a single request, ensure both permissions are checked!


Quarantine Lead Data Update

To update the lead data, you'd need to run the below request on a VALID lead quarantined by your Campaign:

[PUT] https://{account}.leadbyte.com/restapi/v1.3/leads
Headers - X_KEY: [YOUR API KEY]
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"update": {
"postcode": "TN25 6QD"


Populate the "quarantineId" field with the Quarantined Lead ID you intend on updating and then include any fields you want to update in the "update" array.



"status": "Success",
"message": "OK",
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"success": true,
"message": "Quarantine lead updated"



Release or Reject Quarantine Leads

Need to automate the release of quarantined leads into your campaign OR the rejection of quarantined leads to your system rejections?

This is the section for you.


[POST] https://{account}.leadbyte.com/restapi/v1.3/quarantine/process
Headers - X_KEY: [YOUR API KEY]
"quarantineId": 8419715,
"action": "process"

or Reject:

[POST] https://helpcentre.leadbyte.com/restapi/v1.3/quarantine/process
Headers - X_KEY: [YOUR API KEY]
"quarantineId": 8419715,
"action": "reject"



"status": "Success",
"message": "Quarantined lead(s) processed successfully",
"details": {
"8419715": "Queued for processing"


"status": "Success",
"message": "Quarantined lead(s) processed successfully",
"details": {
"8419715": "Queued for rejection"



Update quarantined lead data AND release or reject

This will allow you to combine both of the above sections into a single request!

To update and release:

[PUT] https://{account}.leadbyte.com/restapi/v1.3/leads
Headers - X_KEY: [YOUR API KEY]
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"update": {
"postcode": "TN25 6QD"
"action": "process"


To update and reject:

[PUT] https://{account}.leadbyte.com/restapi/v1.3/leads
Headers - X_KEY: [YOUR API KEY]
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"update": {
"postcode": "TN25 6QD"
"action": "reject"


With their respective responses:

"status": "Success",
"message": "OK",
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"success": true,
"message": "Quarantine lead updated"
"quaratineReleaseResults": [
"Quarantine ID '2932682' queued for processing"


"status": "Success",
"message": "OK",
"leads": [
"quarantineId": "2932682",
"success": true,
"message": "Quarantine lead updated"
"quaratineReleaseResults": [
"Quarantine ID '2932682' queued for rejection"


As always, please feel free to raise a support ticket with any questions or concerns you might have.

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