Certify with Contact State


This article aims to take you through the basics of what you need to do to work with Contact State.  


There are 2 methods we frequently see from clients -

1. Where the certification is performed on your page.

2. Where the certification is performed outside of your page.


When the certification is performed on your page, you'll simply be passing in the additional values to LeadByte as you would any lead data, this can then be passed onto your buyer.

When the certification is performed in LeadByte, you'll need to follow the steps listed below.


1. Send the ClaimURL to LeadByte
When your page loads, a ClaimURL is generated.  You will need to store this and submit to LeadByte with the other form registration data.  We advise that you create a custom field in LeadByte to store this ClaimURL.

2. You will need to use our 2 Step Authentication Delivery
Before you submit the lead registration data to your Buyer you will need to make a Auth Request to Contact State using the ClaimURL with a Secret Key that will be provided to you by your Buyer / Contact State.  The Auth Request will return (if valid) a Certificate URL, which will need to be used to send the data to your Buyer.

Setting up 2 Step Authentication Delivery with Contact State

The 1st Request is the Auth Request.  You need to pass in the ClaimURL and Secret_Key in the request.  You will then need to store the certificate URL ([cert_url]) in LeadByte.  This value can be retrieved from LeadByte using the [AUTHTOKEN] tag.  This will be used in the post (second image below).

(Image 1)


The second request is the POST to the Buyer passing the CertificateURL from ContactState.  

(Image 2) 


If you have any problems with the LeadByte 2 Step Authentication Delivery please raise a support ticket.  Anything related to the JavaScript install on your website should be handled with your technical lead and Contact State.


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