Skipped Delivery Reasons


Ever wondered why a particular lead was not delivered to a buyer? Now you can with our skipped delivery reasons. 


Where do I find this information?

This feature is located by clicking on a Lead ID (Leads>Search Leads). Once selected, click the Deliveries Tab and it will display the Deliveries included in the Campaign. You will see whether the lead was Delivered or Skipped under the Status column.

Screen Recording 2022-04-21 at AM

If all the deliveries for a lead are skipped, it will show 'Skipped' in the 'Buyer' column and clicking the text will open the lead summary page straight to the deliveries page.

Zight Recording 2025-2-5 at 14.21.36

Skipped Reasons

The included skipped reasons can be, but are not limited to:

Skipped - Rule mismatch

Skipped - Delivery not in adv distro

Skipped - Daily/Weekly/Hourly cap reached

Skipped - Scheduled day/time not enabled

Skipped - Delivery duplicate

Skipped - Delivery credit exhausted

Skipped - Buyer credit exhausted


If you find that certain Deliveries are being unintentionally Skipped, you will need to amend the relevant settings on the Delivery (changing cap, adding to Advanced Distribution etc).



Q - What does the skipped reason "Delivery not in adv distro" mean?

A - When this box on your delivery advanced settings is checked, the delivery will be skipped unless enabled on advanced distribution. The delivery shown in this screenshot with the red toggle is an example of one not enabled.


As always, raise a ticket to our Support team if you have any further questions.

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