Account limits notifications


Each account in LeadByte has a limit on the number of Campaigns, Buyers, Webhooks and Deliveries you can create (unless you pay for an unlimited account). 

Accounts are also restricted on the monthly lead volume and lead storage (unless you pay for an unlimited account).


Email notifications

We send out email notifications to alert you when you're getting close to your limit.

Campaigns, Deliveries, Webhooks and Buyers will alert you when your limits are below 25 available, then intervals of 10, 5 and finally when you have run out.

Monthly lead volume and lead storage will alert you when you have hit 90% of your limit and then when you have hit your limit.


Below is an example for a Campaign alert:



Checking your own limits

We offer you the ability to check your own account limits by clicking on your name at the top of your account:


… or going direct to the link below for your own account:



Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the section to find your account limits



Increasing your account limits/Removing account restrictions

Upgrades should be handled by submitting a support ticket so all upgrades and account amendments are tracked.

Raise a ticket through the platform or email us for more information on this process. Please ensure you include your required amendments in your request.

e.g. - I have run out of campaigns, I need 3 more adding to my account. 

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