Email + SMS Notifications to Your Buyer Once a Lead Has Been Delivered


So your buyer has requested that you email and/or SMS them once a lead has been successfully delivered to their API?

Fear not, LeadByte has you covered!


Head to your Delivery settings and scroll down to the "Remote System Response". You'll find 2 checkboxes titled "on success, send email/SMS":



Check one of both of these boxes depending on which you need to enable.

"Success" will be measured by what you've set as your successful response in your Remote System Responses!


On Success, send email:

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It should be noted that you can add multiple email addresses to the "add email address" field. Simply add them in the format,, etc etc

You also can't include dots . or hyphens - in the sender name. 

You can also use ready made templates. These can be found under Responders>Templates and then selected on the Delivery dropdown.

On Success, send SMS:



US CLIENTS - Please raise a ticket before attempting to use the SMS function as you'll need your own "sending number" as the US is very strict about SMS sending. Without this number, all SMS will be blocked by the networks.


Both of the above have costs associated with each send, please raise a support ticket if you'd like to find out how much it will cost you and as always, don't hesitate to raise a support ticket with any questions or concerns you have.

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