Campaign Fields


When you create a campaign you have the option to configure fields.  This includes the likes of making fields required, setting the format, configuring data types, masking fields, creating additional fields and more.  In this article we will cover:

- Standard fields
- Custom fields
- Calculated fields
- Regular expression on custom fields

Standard Fields

All campaigns have standard fields to include the likes of First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, channel consent fields Address and more.  Some standard fields have an "options" feature; if you click options a light box will open for you to configure the behaviour of a field.  Let's take First Name for example; you have the option to set the Max/Min characters, set consonant/vowel count, enable profanity list and enable the first/last name dupe check.  You can see this from the recording below.


Custom Fields

You can create additional fields If you need to collect fields not listed as standard.  Let's assume you generate mortgage leads, you will likely collect data such as borrowAmount or mortgageValue.  You would create these as custom fields against your campaign. 

With custom fields you can set the following:

- Required, optional, read only or calculated
- Formatting (Capitalise, lowercase etc)
- Whether you want to mask the field (anonymise) 
- Set the data type i.e. integer, text, date etc
- Set allowed values, default values (if field is blank)

In the example video below, we create three custom fields with the third one being a calculate field based on data 1 and data 2.  In the example we want to calculate the LTV (loan-to-value)


Calculated Fields

Let's assume you generate leads in the mortgage niche.  You may need to send LTV (loan-to-value) to your buyer or even base distribution logic on LTV.  With a calculated field you can generate a value like LTV based on other values you receive.  The recording above provides an example of this.

Regular Expression

With additional fields you have the option to set your own regular expression, you can do this under the "Options" button against the field.  In the visual example below, the regular expression is used for Danish SSN.  Danish SSNs are a string of 10-digit numbers with a hyphen between digits 6 and 7.  If a lead is submitted without that pattern match you would see the following message: {"response":"ssn failed pattern match"....



What are allowed values?
These are values that you will only accept against a field.  

Why should I use the right data type against custom fields?
This will determine what operators you can use when using rules but also help improve lead quality.  If you work with suppliers, you may wish to be super strict with the data type they post via the API.

How are integration guides for a campaign linked to field settings?
The way in which you set up/configure your fields will determine how the fields are presented on the integration guide.  See example below based on the above Life Insurance custom fields.  We advise that when creating custom fields you set allowed values (if there are), use default values (for optional fields) and make sure the data type is correct so that your IT department of suppliers can integrate without frustration.




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