Buyer Activity Report



This report helps you keep track of the revenue generated per Buyer alongside highlighting those buyers rejecting/returning leads. 

With multiple Buyers, a report like this makes it easier to get an overview of your revenue/stats so you can maximise your profits.


The Report Itself 



This report is generated for a 6 months, the bar graph below the table shows: the Approved Leads (Orange), Rejected Leads (Black), and Buyer Returns (Yellow). 

Your results table can be exported as CSV file or an XLS file if you'd prefer to open this in a spreadsheet.


Columns explained

Posted - Total number of leads sent to the buyer (Accepted AND Rejected)

Accepted - Total leads your Buyer has purchased

Sold - Total leads your Buyer has purchased minus Returns

Rejected - Total leads your Buyer refused / rejected when attempted via the API

CR% - Percentage of leads which were Accepted

Returns - Leads returned by the buyer / remote system

Rtn% -  Percentage of leads returned


Revenue - Amount you charge your Buyer

RPL - Revenue per lead, calculated as the revenue divided by the posted lead count.

RPS - Revenue per sold, calculated as the revenue divided by the sold lead count.

Currency - The currency set on the campaign



You can choose to generate a report in a specific time zone (under the Timezone dropdown)

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