Supplier Activity Report



When you have multiple suppliers on a campaign you need to keep track of lead volumes, cost, profit to make sure you maximize your spend.  With this report you can group by campaign, day, week and month. You can check specific date ranges, campaigns, suppliers. You can also break down the report to sub supplier granularity if so desired. 


The Report Itself

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This report is generated for a full month, the bar graph below the table shows: the Total Leads (Blue), Valid Leads (Green), Invalid Leads (Red), Buyer Rejected Leads (black), Payable (Orange) and Buyer Returns (Yellow). 

Your results table can be exported as CSV file or an XLS file if you'd prefer to open this in a spreadsheet.


Columns explained

Leads - The total amount of leads submitted 

Valid - Total leads passing LeadBytes validation and accepted into the system

Invalid - Total leads that did not pass validation. 

CR% - Percentage of valid leads provided by the supplier

Pending - Leads pending coming into the system.


Payable - Leads approved by the buyer / remote system MINUS returns

Sold -  Leads approved by the buyer / remote system INCLUDING returns

Reject - Leads rejected by the buyer / remote system

CR% - Percentage of leads approved / Sold

Returns - Leads returned by the buyer / remote system

RTN% - Percentage of leads returned


Payout - Amount being paid to your Supplier

Email Cost - Total cost of any emails sent for lead associated with this Supplier

SMS Cost - Total cost of any SMS sent for lead associated with this Supplier

Validation Cost - Total cost of any validations performed on leads associated with this Supplier

Cost - Sum of Payout, Email Cost, SMS Cost and Validation Cost


Revenue - Amount you charge your Buyer

Profit - Revenue minus cost 

CPL - Cost per lead, calculated as the cost divided by the valid lead count.

RPL - Revenue per lead, calculated as the revenue divided by the valid lead count.

Cur - The currency set on the campaign



You can choose to generate a report in a specific time zone (under the Timezone dropdown)

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