

LeadByte has partnered with TrustedForm in order to help you validate leads as they enter your campaign. This allows you to accept or reject leads based on them fitting your TrustedForm check criteria.

Simply pass the certificate URL generated through to LeadByte along with your lead data and we'll handle the rest.


Step 1 - Add your credentials to LeadByte

Find your API key in TrustedForm's Settings.



Copy this and paste it into the credentials of your LeadByte Trustedform enrichment provider.

Find this in LeadByte by heading to your Admin tab > Tech Hub > Validation Services.


Step 2 - Add your settings to the Campaign

Use the below screenshot and field explanations to map your settings appropriately.



Enable - Turns the validation service on or off.

Certificate field - Instruct LeadByte which lead field you have passed the TrustedForm certificate into.

Retain certificate - This is a TrustedForm function and something we advise you enable by default. It instructs trusted form to store the certificate.

Phone match - Instruct LeadByte which phone lead field you'd like to check against the certificate stored phone value. If there is a mismatch, the lead will be rejected.

Email match - Check the LeadByte email field value against the certificate stored email value. If there is a mismatch, the lead will be rejected.

Insights - Everything under this checkbox requires a permission only available under a paid account.

Ip match - Check the LeadByte IP address field value against the certificate stored Ip address. If there is a mismatch, the lead will be rejected.

Time (Seconds) since form submission - This is the upper time limit you are willing to accept (in seconds) since the form was submitted. The certificate is generated once the form is submitted and this field then begins to count up. Using the above screenshot example (5 seconds), If it takes 6 seconds between the form being submitted and the lead being received by LeadByte then the lead would be rejected.

Time on page (Seconds) - This is the lower time limit you are willing to accept (in seconds) that the user spent filling in the form. Using the above screenshot example (10 seconds), If it takes the user 5 seconds to fill and submit the form then the lead would be rejected by LeadByte.

Input method - List out the allowed input methods. If you don't want to accept "autofill" lead then simply ensure this option is deselected.

Domain - You can specify which domains you accept your leads being generated from. If your supplier states they will generate traffic from, you can add to your domain list and leads generated from any other domains will be rejected.



Q - Does this work with the Classic GET API?

A - No, only REST API leads will receive the TrustedForm validations

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