Error Message - "You do not have permission to access your account from this country"
Each account and user may be locked down by either IP or by country. If you have not informed your Account manager that you plan on using the account in more than the original location stated upon opening the account, you will not be allowed to access.
Standard Users
Reach out to your Administrators and they will be able to grant you access to new countries ahead of traveling.
If you attempt to log in abroad and your user has not been updated with this new access, you will be blocked from logging in.
However, your Admin team will be informed of this attempt via email and can grant you access through the link provided in the email.
Change your country access ahead of travelling to ensure you are able to log in while abroad.
If you do not make this amendment ahead of travelling., then you will be blocked from logging in.
Your fellow Administrators will be informed of this attempt via email and can grant you access through the link provided in the email.
However, if you are the ONLY Active Administrator on an account AND you have 2 factor authentication enabled you will be sent a slightly different email which will allow you to "self certify" this country access change.
If you do not have 2FA enabled then you will be asked to reach out to our support team on the email listed in the error ( so we can advise.
Further guidance on performing these country access changes -